Organized Play - in season (Generally November through March)
Limited to members of the PEM pickleball group. You need to have your name tag, and have
paid your annual dues to play.
Games will be timed at 12 minute intervals or 11 points, whichever comes first. There will be no 2 point advantage needed.
The policy set for scored round robins was that if they are timed and time runs out before the game reached 11, then the lead team would add the difference to get to 11 and the losing team in turn would add the same number to their score.
Example: Time expires with the score 8-5. The team with 8 will be given 3 points to make their score 11 and the losing team will be given 3 points to make their score 8.
Games will be timed at 12 minute intervals or 11 points, whichever comes first. There will be no 2 point advantage needed.
The policy set for scored round robins was that if they are timed and time runs out before the game reached 11, then the lead team would add the difference to get to 11 and the losing team in turn would add the same number to their score.
Example: Time expires with the score 8-5. The team with 8 will be given 3 points to make their score 11 and the losing team will be given 3 points to make their score 8.