International Pickleball Teaching Professionals Association (IPTPA)
Certified Rating Specialists - 2/28/24
IPTPA has implemented an internationally recognized “on court” education/rating system for use by certified IPTPA Rating Specialists (CRS). By obtaining a certified rating through this program, players will achieve an internationally recognized rating for competitive skill level play at clubs and tournament play worldwide. IPTPA professionals teach & evaluate on a daily basis. No other institution is in a better position to develop the criteria necessary to evaluate and rate individual performance based on the IPTPA Rating Descriptions. Furthermore, this initiative is meant to clearly define and emphasize the fundamentals of pickleball and the requirements necessary at each skill level as outlined and taught by IPTPA teaching professionals. Players that have gone through an IPTPA rating session have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses while having a better understanding of the path needed for individual improvement.
1. IPTPA Website: You will have to join IPTPA. Our club is an IPTPA member so; you’ll only have to pay $15 vs. $25 for membership.
2: Rob Davidson, our Club Pro, is available to administer the IPTPA skill level tests. However, IPTPA tests must be requested through the website or by contacting Rob at 971-304-8020 to establish availability and scheduling. Those wishing to be IPTPA tested, must join IPTPA for $15.00 membership fee (discounted because PEMPC is an IPTPA Club member). Tests cost $45.00/per single tester, or $33.00 per tester if more than one tests as the same time. See the following URL for full information:
3. Fill out a request for testing on the IPTPA Website.
4. Review testing requirements for desired skill rating.
5. You will also have to provide a USAPA or IPTPA Skill Level rated player who is rated at the level you are testing for. You should be able to find a PEM Pickleball Club Member for this role. The player you choose will play with you and/or each of your team members during the skinny game.
6. You will have to pay the IPTPA CRS the day of testing. Cost is $45 if you’re the only player testing and $33 if 2-3 players are testing together.
Get additional information on all things IPTPA on the website.
Good luck and practice, practice, practice!
1. IPTPA Website: You will have to join IPTPA. Our club is an IPTPA member so; you’ll only have to pay $15 vs. $25 for membership.
2: Rob Davidson, our Club Pro, is available to administer the IPTPA skill level tests. However, IPTPA tests must be requested through the website or by contacting Rob at 971-304-8020 to establish availability and scheduling. Those wishing to be IPTPA tested, must join IPTPA for $15.00 membership fee (discounted because PEMPC is an IPTPA Club member). Tests cost $45.00/per single tester, or $33.00 per tester if more than one tests as the same time. See the following URL for full information:
3. Fill out a request for testing on the IPTPA Website.
4. Review testing requirements for desired skill rating.
5. You will also have to provide a USAPA or IPTPA Skill Level rated player who is rated at the level you are testing for. You should be able to find a PEM Pickleball Club Member for this role. The player you choose will play with you and/or each of your team members during the skinny game.
6. You will have to pay the IPTPA CRS the day of testing. Cost is $45 if you’re the only player testing and $33 if 2-3 players are testing together.
Get additional information on all things IPTPA on the website.
Good luck and practice, practice, practice!